Thursday, December 15, 2005

the order of things

'note to selves' or last minute agenda of thoughts and things still to do or consider:
• budget (travel and accommodation)
• revised schedule for cannon hall
• fine tuning of schedule in general
• the relevance of possible London tea-parties
• the web site, the PHD and publicising the blog(?)
• a.o.b: further mm(m)collaborations: Johnson (contact and possible dictionary presentations|performance events)
• the birthday celebration!

See you in a couple of hours.

Friday, December 09, 2005

habits of the artist

1. I have just been in the studio thinking of birdcages and habitats ...
2. You write the below ...
3. What's to say but: 'Suma Sumarum', non-verbal communication exists and telepathic transmission is possible even if it misses out the odd letter and changes the meaning of thought ever so slightly.

In addition -- and by now adding up to quite a notable day -- it seems that if habitus is also the condition, manners and characteristics of the artist, then I've just broken one and sent you a text that all is well! Admittedly, I still find carrying a mobile phone … even when disguised as a camera and with the sole purpose of being used as a camera … a bit daunting and think that in the future I may want to revert to the simple act of pointing! Quod erat demonstrandum: habits [of thought and character] are hard to break! Still, I dare you to take a week off!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

habitus of the artist

love these fancy research words though am unsure what it means. like the idea of mute conversations between artists - pointing at artworks you like as a kind of preverbal communication (that's what esther was saying about orla - that she spends her whole time just pointing at things she likes)! hope dinner went well and that S is feeling better.

speaking of non-verbal communication - you need to text me. i promise i won't frighten you by phoning!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

concerning the concept

Suddenly remember why Robert Filliou (je disais) rang so many bells. Associated with dada and concrete poety, this in turn made me think of Victor Burgin's 'Any Moment' ... perhaps also distantly related to the concept, the order of things and their relative relation in meassuring and recording the unusual object experience [before it gets lost]?