Wednesday, February 22, 2006

and, and, and ...

re. the interview: would potentially be interesting to have separate sentences, stanzas of arguments, deductions and reasons recorded for transcription and use on labels [box photographs and ... (value) maps] Peter's talk about the 'pointless' object (making it non-pointless by default), being a case in point?

we should do this more often, you know! I'll bring the mini-disc tomorrow.


Blogger Kate said...

Pointless objects....sounds good
I have just found this blog.
have terrible confession to make - tape did not come out of the interview I did with you both am revealed as crap academic who cannot make technology work....

3:34 pm  
Blogger marianne said...

You found us! welcome!
It was never meant to be a secret. we're testing the blog as a collective research tool and sketchbook. So far, feel I need to be more consistent to make it work properly + still don't know how to doodle electronically.

Nobody knows how to make technology work consistently, I think. Perhaps our conversation was not meant to be fixed?

10:12 am  
Blogger Kate said...

Actually I like things not being fixed too.
Writing up the interview was interesting as what I remembered became the focal point....
perhaps writing up about what you remember of museums is a trace of the museum.

8:55 pm  
Blogger marianne said...

at least a trace of the memory of a museum - same thing? what is interesting is why two traces are never the same. and more interesting, how, when traces converge or cross for a moment they allow you to see -- or remember -- what you forgot!

10:06 pm  

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